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Management MasterMMM

Mannheim verlassen?


Mannheim verlassen?

Hello Leute,

I am a student since August 2018 at the University of Mannheim in the "Master in Management". However, nothing is going well.
I am very disappointed regarding the program. I had the feeling that I am learning absolutely besides learning how to finish the exam on time since we do have so little time.
The classes are not that much various as I expected and the atmosphere can be resumed by overly exagerrated "elitist attitude".
So I am wondering how actually the University can be within the TOP 20 Management program? In addition, I really want to leave the program but since it is supposed to be among the best university, I am overthinking on it.
Anyone has been in this situation?

Vielen Dank in voraus !

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

Welcome to the German uni world. Mannheim is the prime example. Learning by heart and puking it all out on the day of the exam. No casework and small groups like you may know from US institutions. Additionally, university life sucks because there is no real campus and shitty extracurricular activities.

And yes Germans get elitist very fast if they think they are in a top university. I studied at Harvard for two semesters, and the atmosphere was much more down-to-earth. Funny, isn't it?

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

Just bite the bullet and complete the MMM. German management training is theoretical and less expertimential-learning.

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

PF schrieb am 27.04.2019:

Hello Leute,

I am a student since August 2018 at the University of Mannheim in the "Master in Management". However, nothing is going well.
I am very disappointed regarding the program. I had the feeling that I am learning absolutely besides learning how to finish the exam on time since we do have so little time.
The classes are not that much various as I expected and the atmosphere can be resumed by overly exagerrated "elitist attitude".
So I am wondering how actually the University can be within the TOP 20 Management program? In addition, I really want to leave the program but since it is supposed to be among the best university, I am overthinking on it.
Anyone has been in this situation?

Vielen Dank in voraus !

First, the examinations in Germany are quite different than in the rest of the EU and US. Usually about 90% of the examinations are written and under high time pressure - thus the given tasks are usually not complex - something like "write an essay about sth." would never appear in an exam.

So time pressure in exams: in every master program (at a state university).

If you want to pursue a MGMT Master then Mannheim truly ist your best choice. If you want to specialize in Marketing also consider Münster, for Finance also consider Frankfurt State and Frankfurt FS (private), for Accounting consider Münster or Bochum.

The Top 20 of whatsoever should not have a major input in your choice. The best Universities in Germany are state schools - and generally don't give a f*** about rankings. There are great schools in Germany that just don't show in international rankings. That elitist flair that surrounds Mannheim is somehow justified - for their bachelor program. The masters still great - but there are better options depending on your interests.

disclaimer: I did not study in Mannheim.

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

I think that no other Management other BWL Master will be different.

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

It‘s not a secret that study programs of Germany just about “putting things into your head, remember them for the exams and immediately forget them“. The elitest attitude shouldn‘t be surprising either. Most people choose MMM because of the career perspectives. It‘s normal that there is competition between the students.

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

The good people from Mannheims Bachelor leave the University for their Master and go to better ones. Thus the quality of the Master is not that good.

For example a few friends from my uni (Goethe) that got bad grades in their Bachelor and werent accepted to our Master did a GMAT and went to Mannheim.

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

For me as an international student on exchange semester in Germany the biggest problem was the lack of campus feeling. Students only come to lectures and exams, do their stuff and go back home. Social life in comparison with Italy/France/US very bad.

Germans were always in closed groups made up of people from bachelor, social interaction with others 0 and without any desire to change it. I speak decent German and I wanted to change it but reaction from the other side was non existent. I consider myself as a companionable person and considering my international experience (Italian/French bilingual) I have never had such a problem anywhere except Germany.

I did my masters at HEC Paris and the situation was the same. Only students from the German speaking area and Asians generally tended to isolate and not to hang out with other students on campus, bars etc.

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

That's why the MMM is bad compared to the bachelor, bad undergrads from non-target universities (Goethe) get an offer

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

WiWi Gast schrieb am 27.04.2019:

For me as an international student on exchange semester in Germany the biggest problem was the lack of campus feeling. Students only come to lectures and exams, do their stuff and go back home. Social life in comparison with Italy/France/US very bad.

Germans were always in closed groups made up of people from bachelor, social interaction with others 0 and without any desire to change it. I speak decent German and I wanted to change it but reaction from the other side was non existent. I consider myself as a companionable person and considering my international experience (Italian/French bilingual) I have never had such a problem anywhere except Germany.

I did my masters at HEC Paris and the situation was the same. Only students from the German speaking area and Asians generally tended to isolate and not to hang out with other students on campus, bars etc.

This is a very interesting perspective from an international student. German students would probably see themselves as open minded, sociable and refined. Depends on uni types. At a city uni with various campuses, students tend to disperse. Some live at home and mingle with their high school cliques. Social student life tends to be better at university towns with a large student population. To be fair, some German students need to work part time during their studies to top up their budget. Business students tend to be career focused/ up tight with good grades, networking and landing internships.


Mannheim verlassen?

WiWi Gast schrieb am 27.04.2019:

For me as an international student on exchange semester in Germany the biggest problem was the lack of campus feeling. Students only come to lectures and exams, do their stuff and go back home. Social life in comparison with Italy/France/US very bad.

Germans were always in closed groups made up of people from bachelor, social interaction with others 0 and without any desire to change it. I speak decent German and I wanted to change it but reaction from the other side was non existent. I consider myself as a companionable person and considering my international experience (Italian/French bilingual) I have never had such a problem anywhere except Germany.

I did my masters at HEC Paris and the situation was the same. Only students from the German speaking area and Asians generally tended to isolate and not to hang out with other students on campus, bars etc.

Unfortunately I tried HEC Paris (I am French) and my GMAT was too slow to be accepted but I was into Mannheim with that score. So I believe I do not fit to the system.
In addition, I wanted to apply to the DD with ESSEC but they refused me because I was French so now I really think I am going to leave the master.

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

Ehrlich jetzt... ?!
So ein schlechtes Englisch schreibt niemand, der ernsthaft im Master studiert.

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

The fun fact is that some Germany students brag that foreign management programmes don't hold the equivalent academic standard of German unis. Lower difficulty level and just group project, presentation and class room participation are inferior to the year end klausur exam. German students even complain that French Grande Ecole MiM or UK Masters put too much emphasis on networking and student run activities.


Mannheim verlassen?

WiWi Gast schrieb am 27.04.2019:

Ehrlich jetzt... ?!
So ein schlechtes Englisch schreibt niemand, der ernsthaft im Master studi

For someone answering directly in German to say that I don't have a decent level of English for Master honestly... Try maybe to cross the German borders and discover other languages (damn monolingual) and let people learn the languages they want. Thanks, Dummkopf.


Mannheim verlassen?

WiWi Gast schrieb am 27.04.2019:

The fun fact is that some Germany students brag that foreign management programmes don't hold the equivalent academic standard of German unis. Lower difficulty level and just group project, presentation and class room participation are inferior to the year end klausur exam. German students even complain that French Grande Ecole MiM or UK Masters put too much emphasis on networking and student run activities.

I already heard some of the complaints actually. But I still prefer the French Grande Ecole or other Master's degree because you are interacting with your class. For me it is really interesting to work on a real-case -all together- which is not the case in Mannheim (And I really thought that we would have team work projects since it is Management). But my question is why YE Klausur are better? I don't really see the point of learning everything and finally puking it all in an 45-60 min exam. Plus, I definitely do not "blossom" in these kind of environment where you are solely "ranked" according to your capacity of learning by heart. I already did my Bachelor in Germany . At that time we had a lot of group project combined with exams too and I was definitely evolving more in that degree than now

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

Mannheimer und eine elitäre Einstellung? Sie kann froh sein, dass sie nicht an die WHU gegangen ist :D

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

WiWi Gast schrieb am 27.04.2019:

The fun fact is that some Germany students brag that foreign management programmes don't hold the equivalent academic standard of German unis. Lower difficulty level and just group project, presentation and class room participation are inferior to the year end klausur exam. German students even complain that French Grande Ecole MiM or UK Masters put too much emphasis on networking and student run activities.

Well the major difference is that German masters are more theoretical, quantitative and in general science-oriented. While the typical "MBA" emphasizes more work related skills.

Thus they have every right to brag about their education.

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

PF schrieb am 27.04.2019:

WiWi Gast schrieb am 27.04.2019:

The fun fact is that some Germany students brag that foreign management programmes don't hold the equivalent academic standard of German unis. Lower difficulty level and just group project, presentation and class room participation are inferior to the year end klausur exam. German students even complain that French Grande Ecole MiM or UK Masters put too much emphasis on networking and student run activities.

I already heard some of the complaints actually. But I still prefer the French Grande Ecole or other Master's degree because you are interacting with your class. For me it is really interesting to work on a real-case -all together- which is not the case in Mannheim (And I really thought that we would have team work projects since it is Management). But my question is why YE Klausur are better? I don't really see the point of learning everything and finally puking it all in an 45-60 min exam. Plus, I definitely do not "blossom" in these kind of environment where you are solely "ranked" according to your capacity of learning by heart. I already did my Bachelor in Germany . At that time we had a lot of group project combined with exams too and I was definitely evolving more in that degree than now

Rote learning and YE Klausur are typical exam methods for a mass university. The Grande Ecole system reflects more real business life. Most German students don't get it and regard the German system as the best due to ignorance and arrogance. Commiseration on your miserable situation.


Mannheim verlassen?

WiWi Gast schrieb am 27.04.2019:

Mannheimer und eine elitäre Einstellung? Sie kann froh sein, dass sie nicht an die WHU gegangen ist :D

Yes, I know it is not WHU however if you go on the website the ranking is popping out dozens of time. So definitely people are nurturing this in my Master's.

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?


WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

I was considering doing MMM before a PhD in Finance. Any two cents on whether the program is a good prep?

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

WiWi Gast schrieb am 13.06.2019:

I was considering doing MMM before a PhD in Finance. Any two cents on whether the program is a good prep?

Of course not because the MMM is all about learning by heart and management theory. How can this be beneficial before a Finance PhD

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

WiWi Gast schrieb am 13.06.2019:

WiWi Gast schrieb am 13.06.2019:

I was considering doing MMM before a PhD in Finance. Any two cents on whether the program is a good prep?

Of course not because the MMM is all about learning by heart and management theory. How can this be beneficial before a Finance PhD


WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

I figured the finance specialization track would be informative and insightful since grads of the school seem to have gotten in some quality companies.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 13.06.2019:

I was considering doing MMM before a PhD in Finance. Any two cents on whether the program is a good prep?

Of course not because the MMM is all about learning by heart and management theory. How can this be beneficial before a Finance PhD

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

WiWi Gast schrieb am 13.06.2019:

I figured the finance specialization track would be informative and insightful since grads of the school seem to have gotten in some quality companies.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 13.06.2019:

I was considering doing MMM before a PhD in Finance. Any two cents on whether the program is a good prep?

Of course not because the MMM is all about learning by heart and management theory. How can this be beneficial before a Finance PhD

Check out the MMBR / Mannheim Master in Business Research if you are interested in finance research.

WiWi Gast

Mannheim verlassen?

WiWi Gast schrieb am 13.06.2019:

WiWi Gast schrieb am 13.06.2019:

I was considering doing MMM before a PhD in Finance. Any two cents on whether the program is a good prep?

Of course not because the MMM is all about learning by heart and management theory. How can this be beneficial before a Finance PhD

This is stupid. In the MMM you have very few limitations regarding the course choice. You have about 5 „Basic“ lectures you have to choose, the rest however is up to you. You can choose every course you want, finance, marketing, operations management, strategic management... even some courses like psychology, law, social science. The MMM is therefore probably one of the most diversified Master in Germany. So if you apply for many courses in Finance, this will help you of course considering a PhD in that topic.


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