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Bosch IGM Salary discussion in interview

WiWi Gast

Bosch IGM Salary discussion in interview

Dear All,

I have recently done A couple of interviews for a position with a Robert Bosch. This position is in Software Engineering area.

During the interview when I was asked for salary expectation I did mention about 80K+. I was probably not too much prepared for this question and so I could not discuss it.

Now my question is, for Robert Bosch IG Metall tariff, when you give you a salary figure in an interview (let's say 80K), does it include the bonus and additional payments (that IGM brings) or they are going to be applied on the top? If you could share your experience on what salary figure did you give and what you actually got as an offer?

Any feedback would be greatly appreaciated.

Thank you and sorry for not being able to speak German at the moment.

Best regards!

WiWi Gast

Bosch IGM Salary discussion in interview

Your salary expectation would include all components of the tariff. The only thing that would come on top is the performance bonus from Bosch.

80k equals an EG15 on base of 35h/week, which is a realistic position class for software engineer within Bosch.

Good luck :)

WiWi Gast schrieb am 31.05.2021:

Dear All,

I have recently done A couple of interviews for a position with a Robert Bosch. This position is in Software Engineering area.

During the interview when I was asked for salary expectation I did mention about 80K+. I was probably not too much prepared for this question and so I could not discuss it.

Now my question is, for Robert Bosch IG Metall tariff, when you give you a salary figure in an interview (let's say 80K), does it include the bonus and additional payments (that IGM brings) or they are going to be applied on the top? If you could share your experience on what salary figure did you give and what you actually got as an offer?

Any feedback would be greatly appreaciated.

Thank you and sorry for not being able to speak German at the moment.

Best regards!

WiWi Gast

Bosch IGM Salary discussion in interview

Nobody knows if they were thinking in base salary, base salary plus Leistungszulage oder a year salary, if they were thinking in 35 or 40 h weeks.

All could be possible.

WiWi Gast

Bosch IGM Salary discussion in interview

Previous poster explained it pretty well. Seems a bit high to me personally, it depends on your experience and the region though.

WiWi Gast

Bosch IGM Salary discussion in interview

Thanks all. This is a great feedback so far.
So if I get an offer, how well it is received from the Bosch end if I want to negotiate the offer preferably in terms of salary?

I am asking this because I have read on a couple of forums here to IG metall offers are almost non-negotiable.

And by the way, I do have about 5.5 years of software engineering experience with a master degree so I would also appreciate to get your opinions on what kind of salary would be the best and appropriate.

Thread Poster

WiWi Gast

Bosch IGM Salary discussion in interview

Also I forgot to add. The discussion was based on 40h week.

WiWi Gast

Bosch IGM Salary discussion in interview

If you have 5.5 years of relevant experience I’d rather expect 90k+ as Bosch salaries are usually quite high

WiWi Gast

Bosch IGM Salary discussion in interview

80k is a good salary expectation (EG15). On top there is the performance bonus that is no fix part of such negotiations as the employee can not influence it. In a normal year that bonus would be around 4k on top for someone earnining 80k.

His salary would automatically increase by 10k within the next 36 months as Weihnachtsgeld and Urlaubsgeld are depending on and automatically increasing with your seniority (duration of employment with the company).

WiWi Gast schrieb am 02.06.2021:

If you have 5.5 years of relevant experience I’d rather expect 90k+ as Bosch salaries are usually quite high

WiWi Gast

Bosch IGM Salary discussion in interview

Why Bosch? For software engineer I though FAANG would be the favorite places to work or at least a company where you could work without having any attendance or time clock. Where probably performance oriented instead of duration oriented (similar as public servant or officer).

Back to Bosch and IGM:

  • Get an insider or ask the HR what would be the target EG (level) of the position e.g. 15, 16 or 17. Based on that you can find out what would be the most fix amount of the salary
  • on top of that, you will get what they called a Leistungszulage, this is a negotiable range normally between 0 to 30% of the EG fix amount
  • on top of that, you can still negotiate any other benefits suchs as company car, relocation support or anything what they called geldwerter Vorteil.
WiWi Gast

Bosch IGM Salary discussion in interview

Why Bosch and not FAANG?
Isn’t it obvious that most (not all, but a clear majority) Bosch IT employees couldn’t/wouldn’t make it to FAANG?

WiWi Gast schrieb am 06.06.2021:

Why Bosch? For software engineer I though FAANG would be the favorite places to work or at least a company where you could work without having any attendance or time clock. Where probably performance oriented instead of duration oriented (similar as public servant or officer).

Back to Bosch and IGM:

  • Get an insider or ask the HR what would be the target EG (level) of the position e.g. 15, 16 or 17. Based on that you can find out what would be the most fix amount of the salary
  • on top of that, you will get what they called a Leistungszulage, this is a negotiable range normally between 0 to 30% of the EG fix amount
  • on top of that, you can still negotiate any other benefits suchs as company car, relocation support or anything what they called geldwerter Vorteil.
WiWi Gast

Bosch IGM Salary discussion in interview

you cant negotiate, just take what they offer you and be happy for the chance.
If you only think about money, Bosch ist not right for you.

WiWi Gast

Bosch IGM Salary discussion in interview

WiWi Gast schrieb am 06.06.2021:

you cant negotiate, just take what they offer you and be happy for the chance.
If you only think about money, Bosch ist not right for you.

That‘s true if you just start your first full time job or at the beginning of your professional career. After more than 5 years working experience and probably married status with children, you have to think about money. That‘s true that money won‘t give you happiness but with money you can buy something for your happiness ;-)

WiWi Gast

Bosch IGM Salary discussion in interview

Thank you all for your great feedback. I have an update!

I was fortunately offered the position and here are the details of what the offer was:

IGM Hessen
EG10 - Level 1 (Grudengelt)
They said that that target EC would be EG11
Bonus would 3.3%.

I have declined the offer 2 days back as that was little low from my opinion and rather proposed that I would accept only if I am placed atleast in EC11 - Level 2 (Zusatzstufe) - right from the beginning of contract.

What do you guys think, will happen next on this?


WiWi Gast

Bosch IGM Salary discussion in interview

WiWi Gast schrieb am 18.06.2021:

Thank you all for your great feedback. I have an update!

I was fortunately offered the position and here are the details of what the offer was:

IGM Hessen
EG10 - Level 1 (Grudengelt)
They said that that target EC would be EG11
Bonus would 3.3%.

I have declined the offer 2 days back as that was little low from my opinion and rather proposed that I would accept only if I am placed atleast in EC11 - Level 2 (Zusatzstufe) - right from the beginning of contract.

What do you guys think, will happen next on this?


can you make an update, did they give you better offer. ?

WiWi Gast

Bosch IGM Salary discussion in interview

WiWi Gast schrieb am 03.07.2021:

Thank you all for your great feedback. I have an update!

I was fortunately offered the position and here are the details of what the offer was:

IGM Hessen
EG10 - Level 1 (Grudengelt)
They said that that target EC would be EG11
Bonus would 3.3%.

I have declined the offer 2 days back as that was little low from my opinion and rather proposed that I would accept only if I am placed atleast in EC11 - Level 2 (Zusatzstufe) - right from the beginning of contract.

What do you guys think, will happen next on this?


can you make an update, did they give you better offer. ?

Nope, they did not give me a better right now, but they would re-consider this after 6 months of job.


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