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Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

WiWi Gast


Hallo Leute,

Ich komme aus China. Es tut mir leid, mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht. Aber ich interessiere mich doch für einen Master in Management an WHU/ HHL/ EBS und darüber kann man im Internet nicht viel Information auf Englisch finden. Die drei scheinen in Deutschland ja sehr guten Ruf und Qualität zu besitzen und eine enge Verbindung mit Industrie zu haben, ist das wirklich?

Ich möchte auch gerne wissen, mit nur 680 im Gmat, Schnitte 2,0 und 3 Pratika, wie meine Chancen auf einen Studiumplatz an diese Hochschulen stehen? Kann mir jemand seine Erfahrung über das Auswahlverfahren oder Studium mitteilen?

Vielen Dank im Voraus für die Antworten!!!


WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Replace EBS by Frankfurt School. No one would recommend it in Germany atm. I would even go so far and reduce it to WHU vs FS.
FS: strong in investment banking, great city
WHU: best business school for years now in germany. Outstanding placement for consulting and start up and even ib.
For industry as u mentioned as a preference, i would recommend a federal university like Mannheim or Cologne.

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Best two business schools in Germany: 1. Mannheim 2. WHU

-> However, WHU's master is far less renowned than their bachelor/undergraduate degree. Therefore I'd choose Mannheim over WHU. Also, both Mannheim and WHU offer great placement in Consulting and Investment Banking. However on top of that Mannheim also has a really good standing with the biggest German industrial companies. (e.g. automotive)

Lastly, Mannheim also way cheaper. This is not only beneficial to your bank account, but also the impression you will give in the future. In Germany, some people have prejudices against private universities.

For these reasons, you should choose Mannheim.

  • EBS is terrible in recent years and the trend is still going rapidly downwards (noone should go there under any circumstances)

  • HHL is like a worse WHU

  • Frankfurt school is on an upwards trend, but for now still behind mannheim and WHU
WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

And please be careful... There's a quite strong bias towards some of the private schools in this forum which probably is not super objective (e. g. Some are mentioning already the FS school which is just o. K. Since 2 years or so, but definitely nothing great)
However, it is true that EBS is a quite bad choice at the moment.
HHL is small but o. K.
WHU is definitely the best choice (also often quite good in rankings).

I would recommend you official rankings and then take a small glimpse from this forum but don't trust it too much

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Best two business schools in Germany: 1. Mannheim 2. WHU

-> However, WHU's master is far less renowned than their bachelor/undergraduate degree. Therefore I'd choose Mannheim over WHU. Also, both Mannheim and WHU offer great placement in Consulting and Investment Banking. However on top of that Mannheim also has a really good standing with the biggest German industrial companies. (e.g. automotive)

Lastly, Mannheim also way cheaper. This is not only beneficial to your bank account, but also the impression you will give in the future. In Germany, some people have prejudices against private universities.

For these reasons, you should choose Mannheim.

  • EBS is terrible in recent years and the trend is still going rapidly downwards (noone should go there under any circumstances)

  • HHL is like a worse WHU

  • Frankfurt school is on an upwards trend, but for now still behind mannheim and WHU
WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Ni hao, huanying. Ni de dewen shi hen hao.

Blimey, I am amazed by the poor reading comprehension of some posters. The OP clearly inquired on WHU,HHL, EBS as his target schools. Yet some people are reading challenged and ram down Mannheim down his throat. So I suggest we stay on topic and give OP some value added advice on what he wants instead of Mannheim, Mannheim, Mannheim. What satisfaction do you derive by sledging other schools, does it make you feel better about yourself? It reminds me of a performance of the Monty Python SPAM sketch. Surely, Germany has more than one Business School?

So pros, cons, opps, fit, company contacts, careers office support, integration for internationals etc.

To OP: It would be helpful if you provided your goals and academic areas of interests. Have you secured funding as your 3 schools charge tuition fees. One can find some Chinese students at WHU and HHL. Your admissions also depends on your interview.

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Mannheim > WHU >>> HHL > EBS in terms of industry, consulting, and banking careers.
The FS in only suitable if you want to work in banking.

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

yea FS is also on my list, after all the city is much more interesting:) although i assume its Master in Finance is much better than MIM...

The thing is that I want to gather some practical experience during my study in Germany. For public universities, most BWL related programs are held in German and I heard that the curriclum is quite rigorous oder? besides, I am not sure if it is difficult to find an internship as I speak poor German. Of course Mannheim is the best of the best choice and the program is also offered in English, but since I dont have any exchange experience( only summer school in Munich), my chance of getting in is too slim :(

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Replace EBS by Frankfurt School. No one would recommend it in Germany atm. I would even go so far and reduce it to WHU vs FS.
FS: strong in investment banking, great city
WHU: best business school for years now in germany. Outstanding placement for consulting and start up and even ib.
For industry as u mentioned as a preference, i would recommend a federal university like Mannheim or Cologne.

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS


Mannheim is great, but my chance is quite small without any exchange experience. Actually two of my friends ( one got offer from bocconi) were both rejected because of that.

So for WHU, i know they are in close relationship with corporate partners and hold many career events. But you see, aside from the strict admission another problem is its location, small town right? i think i can put up with life without nightlife or clubs, museums-sorry for this lol... but dont know if this would be problematic for a job search during my study

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

And please be careful... There's a quite strong bias towards some of the private schools in this forum which probably is not super objective (e. g. Some are mentioning already the FS school which is just o. K. Since 2 years or so, but definitely nothing great)
However, it is true that EBS is a quite bad choice at the moment.
HHL is small but o. K.
WHU is definitely the best choice (also often quite good in rankings).

I would recommend you official rankings and then take a small glimpse from this forum but don't trust it too much

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

  • Frankfurt school is on an upwards trend, but for now still behind mannheim and WHU
WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Haha, xie xie.

Jap, the tuition and living costs are both within my budget although i do want to apply for scholarship. I see HHL and WHU also offer scholarships for women in business and i should give it a shot. Actually I am quite shocked by the interview process at WHU/ HHL.... it's quite lengthy and more challenging than the B schools that I've already applied to, as you will also need to give a presentation to a specific given topic and talk with a representitive from the industry right? do you have any experience for that?

I am de facto more interested in practical oriented curriculum with great education quality rather than academic achievement because i think practical experiences, networking and industrial exposure are critical no matter I want to find a job in germany or back in china after my graduation. And these private schools also offer one semester abroad oder? so i think this program structure is a good combination. By the way i will definitely attend language courses lol, why waste the opportunity since i choose to study in a non-english speaking country right?

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Ni hao, huanying. Ni de dewen shi hen hao.

Blimey, I am amazed by the poor reading comprehension of some posters. The OP clearly inquired on WHU,HHL, EBS as his target schools. Yet some people are reading challenged and ram down Mannheim down his throat. So I suggest we stay on topic and give OP some value added advice on what he wants instead of Mannheim, Mannheim, Mannheim. What satisfaction do you derive by sledging other schools, does it make you feel better about yourself? It reminds me of a performance of the Monty Python SPAM sketch. Surely, Germany has more than one Business School?

So pros, cons, opps, fit, company contacts, careers office support, integration for internationals etc.

To OP: It would be helpful if you provided your goals and academic areas of interests. Have you secured funding as your 3 schools charge tuition fees. One can find some Chinese students at WHU and HHL. Your admissions also depends on your interview.

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Thanks for the reply. Are you studying at one of the private schools?

yeah I know it is good for finance though FS is probably the best one in terms of location :D

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Mannheim > WHU >>> HHL > EBS in terms of industry, consulting, and banking careers.
The FS in only suitable if you want to work in banking.

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Mannheim is by far the best German Business School, so I would definitely apply there even though your chances of getting in are quite slim.

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Hi, Ich bin OP.

Wenn du willst, schreibe mir doch eine email: zzen505@gmail.com


WiWi Gast schrieb am 20.12.2017:

Hallo Leute,

Ich komme aus China. Es tut mir leid, mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht. Aber ich interessiere mich doch für einen Master in Management an WHU/ HHL/ EBS und darüber kann man im Internet nicht viel Information auf Englisch finden. Die drei scheinen in Deutschland ja sehr guten Ruf und Qualität zu besitzen und eine enge Verbindung mit Industrie zu haben, ist das wirklich?

Ich möchte auch gerne wissen, mit nur 680 im Gmat, Schnitte 2,0 und 3 Pratika, wie meine Chancen auf einen Studiumplatz an diese Hochschulen stehen? Kann mir jemand seine Erfahrung über das Auswahlverfahren oder Studium mitteilen?

Vielen Dank im Voraus für die Antworten!!!


WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Mannheim > WHU >>> HHL > EBS in terms of industry, consulting, and banking careers.
The FS in only suitable if you want to work in banking.

WHU and Mannheim are on par though.

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS



And yes, EBS placed someone to JPM next Summer...

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Be careful with this one... quite a new uni and pretty much pushed in this forum.
Location does not matter that much as in comparison to China.
E.g. having interviews in Frankfurt from Vallendar (WHU) or other places is faster than flying or taking trains over long distances in China.

For an internship, you just rent a new flat for the 3 months or so and besides banks there are a few companies around Frankfurt, but also quite a lot around Munich.
So far (do not know what happens after Brexit), Frankfurt is still more a stepping stone for London. Most of my friends tried to go to London after their Frankfurt internships - mainly the ones who couldn't make it stayed in Frankfurt.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Thanks for the reply. Are you studying at one of the private schools?

yeah I know it is good for finance though FS is probably the best one in terms of location :D

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

The FS in only suitable if you want to work in banking.

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Alumni connections also play a significant role in looking for internships or employment in germany?

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:



And yes, EBS placed someone to JPM next Summer...

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

yea FS is also on my list, after all the city is much more interesting:) although i assume its Master in Finance is much better than MIM...

The thing is that I want to gather some practical experience during my study in Germany. For public universities, most BWL related programs are held in German and I heard that the curriclum is quite rigorous oder? besides, I am not sure if it is difficult to find an internship as I speak poor German. Of course Mannheim is the best of the best choice and the program is also offered in English, but since I dont have any exchange experience( only summer school in Munich), my chance of getting in is too slim :(

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Huānyíng lái dào déguó :)

Did you use a translator for your first post? If not your German should be good enough for doing a German program if you´re willing to put some effort in it. I had some Chinese students with poor German skills in my bachelor class and they all performed decent.

Which university did you graduate from in China?

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Nope, Mannheim > WHU > FS for Banking

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Hi, no I didn't. Actually I studied German for about 18 months, but sadly I haven't been practicing this language for quite a long time so I'm forgetting more and more of it, still can read in German though. And I'm afraid that I dont have the time for a language test now in order to study fully in German, which leaves me with only a few options for public universities.

I graduated from a national university in Guangzhou, southern China, very hot city:)

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Huānyíng lái dào déguó :)

Did you use a translator for your first post? If not your German should be good enough for doing a German program if you´re willing to put some effort in it. I had some Chinese students with poor German skills in my bachelor class and they all performed decent.

Which university did you graduate from in China?

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

All of the private unis you mentioned have the programm completely in English. Therefore, you don't need to speak German. Also your specs will grant you easy acceptance, foreign students are important for the rankings, and your GMAT is well within the average of the intake at each of those Unis.

However, think about whether it makes sense for you to study in Germany. You won't be able to get a consulting, possibly not even banking job without fluent fluent German. Some of the internationals got a banking job but not in their desired department from what I know. Corporates its a different thing, especially more internationally oriented ones, or startups (which are the easiest with only English I would say).

Hense, you best opt for a Master in Holland, Spain, the Nordics or so. All in English, way more international students and better placing ops, with only fluent English, in Europe

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Hey, did you attend Sun Yat Sen Uni by any chance? Your first German post was rather impaccable. I think once you are in Germany and attend some language classes, you will make progress. Another criteria is your GPA (great GPA + great 680 GMAT = strong academics). Potential practical exp: German business students tend to complete summer internships to complement their education. Have you done any?

I think the rather intensive admissions process with presentation, interview may look time consuming, but is an opportunity to know the programme better. Admissions are no going to grill you, but see if you are a good fit and vice versa.

Why German unis (apart from studying German previously) and not other European Business Schools like your friends at Bocconi?

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Träum weiter....weiss nicht mit wem du so abhängst, aber wenn du die kommenden Summer Analysts der BBs in FFM anschaust, da spielt Mannheim leider nur ne ganz kleine Geige...

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Nope, Mannheim > WHU > FS for Banking

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Did you graduated from SYSU? Great place, been there for an exchange semester

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Haha du bist der, der hier träumt :D

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Träum weiter....weiss nicht mit wem du so abhängst, aber wenn du die kommenden Summer Analysts der BBs in FFM anschaust, da spielt Mannheim leider nur ne ganz kleine Geige...

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Nope, Mannheim > WHU > FS for Banking

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Actually it's SCAU :) I have 3 internships including one at Deloitte, but I dont think the three are highly relevant to my major...

Yes, I've also applied to other european b schools such as SSE, ESCP and Bocconi, and havent got the final results, though I am still more interested in Germany and I do want to learn the language. In fact, I've been there twice, great place :D Besides, as you know, Germany has stronger economy and is China's largest trading partner in Europe right? In consideration of career propects, I think there will also be more opportunities for me even I choose to return to China after graduation.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Hey, did you attend Sun Yat Sen Uni by any chance? Your first German post was rather impaccable. I think once you are in Germany and attend some language classes, you will make progress. Another criteria is your GPA (great GPA + great 680 GMAT = strong academics). Potential practical exp: German business students tend to complete summer internships to complement their education. Have you done any?

I think the rather intensive admissions process with presentation, interview may look time consuming, but is an opportunity to know the programme better. Admissions are no going to grill you, but see if you are a good fit and vice versa.

Why German unis (apart from studying German previously) and not other European Business Schools like your friends at Bocconi?

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Nope, SCAU actually, though I have many friends from SYSU now studying in Germany:)

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Did you graduated from SYSU? Great place, been there for an exchange semester

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Cool SCAU. Oh jolly good choice of European business schools. They all have a fine reputation in Europe, practical and international focus. Regional heavyhitters/feeders in their respective markets. After all, there are more than one B-School in Europe regardless the dogma on this forum :-) What is your major, business studies or sth different? HHL and WHU require a certain ETCS score of related business courses in yr BA.

Based on what I have seen from prior threads of your target schools and admitted candidates's profiles, I think your profile should be very competitive for your target schools. I think HHL states on report that minimum GMAT of 600, preferable 640. You clear that hurdle easily. Also, admissions dig female applicants from China. They tick China for alumni network, high growth market and more women in business as evidenced by targeted scholarships. It is the trifecta.

Leipzig and Vallendar are safe cities. Leipzig is a larger city by German standard with more local business, government and pubic infrastructure. It is easy hub to travel to Berlin and Frankfurt by train. Large student population, reasonable cost of living though the local Saechsisch dialect is more difficult to understand/ not Hochdeutsch. Vallendar is really a provincial small town, so not many disruptions from studies. Of course, they can't compete with Paris, Milan and Stockholm.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Actually it's SCAU :) I have 3 internships including one at Deloitte, but I dont think the three are highly relevant to my major...

Yes, I've also applied to other european b schools such as SSE, ESCP and Bocconi, and havent got the final results, though I am still more interested in Germany and I do want to learn the language. In fact, I've been there twice, great place :D Besides, as you know, Germany has stronger economy and is China's largest trading partner in Europe right? In consideration of career propects, I think there will also be more opportunities for me even I choose to return to China after graduation.

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

You should´ve went to Tongji and learn some German :D

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS


very good idea very nice place is EBS go there and study for your degry!

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

lol it is not an easy university for chinese students to get in.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

You should´ve went to Tongji and learn some German :D

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

lol it is not an easy university for chinese students to get in.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Yea I heard so but tbh most Chinese students I took classes with didn´t impress me. Maybe it´s different in the Chinese courses but the quality of the English courses was pretty lackluster.

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

But the German courses there were great fun and student´s German level was pretty nice ^__^

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Thanks for the advice. As I only want to attend a 2 years program, thus Netherlands is not within the scope. And I've also applied to programs in the Nordic countries. However i am more interested in Germany- not that I really intend to work in Germany/Europe after graduation,so I think it is ok as long as I can find internships and have some practical experiences.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

All of the private unis you mentioned have the programm completely in English. Therefore, you don't need to speak German. Also your specs will grant you easy acceptance, foreign students are important for the rankings, and your GMAT is well within the average of the intake at each of those Unis.

However, think about whether it makes sense for you to study in Germany. You won't be able to get a consulting, possibly not even banking job without fluent fluent German. Some of the internationals got a banking job but not in their desired department from what I know. Corporates its a different thing, especially more internationally oriented ones, or startups (which are the easiest with only English I would say).

Hense, you best opt for a Master in Holland, Spain, the Nordics or so. All in English, way more international students and better placing ops, with only fluent English, in Europe

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Yep hold an undergraduate degree in Marketing.

How about WHU? Anything you know about the admission?

Well I have been to Leipzig before though I find the accent there easier to understand than the one I heard in Heidelberg :D In addition, I probably like Stockholm more than Milan/Paris. Where are you studying?

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Cool SCAU. Oh jolly good choice of European business schools. They all have a fine reputation in Europe, practical and international focus. Regional heavyhitters/feeders in their respective markets. After all, there are more than one B-School in Europe regardless the dogma on this forum :-) What is your major, business studies or sth different? HHL and WHU require a certain ETCS score of related business courses in yr BA.

Based on what I have seen from prior threads of your target schools and admitted candidates's profiles, I think your profile should be very competitive for your target schools. I think HHL states on report that minimum GMAT of 600, preferable 640. You clear that hurdle easily. Also, admissions dig female applicants from China. They tick China for alumni network, high growth market and more women in business as evidenced by targeted scholarships. It is the trifecta.

Leipzig and Vallendar are safe cities. Leipzig is a larger city by German standard with more local business, government and pubic infrastructure. It is easy hub to travel to Berlin and Frankfurt by train. Large student population, reasonable cost of living though the local Saechsisch dialect is more difficult to understand/ not Hochdeutsch. Vallendar is really a provincial small town, so not many disruptions from studies. Of course, they can't compete with Paris, Milan and Stockholm.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

You probably know that better yourself but after being to China quite a few times for extended periods of time I feel like Germany has a very good reputation and you´re doing nothing wrong with France either. But I feel like you should go for one of the "bigger" players in Europe if you intend to work in China, so Germany,France and UK are your best bet I guess.
Of course there are equally good universities in Denmark or the Netherlands but I´m not too sure about the reputation these hold in China.

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Haha but for Chinese students it's a really hard Uni to get in through the Gaokao- if you know this. I have a friend who studies engine? ? at tongji and is going to TU Braunschweig in Jan. He is now so struggling with his German :D

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

But the German courses there were great fun and student´s German level was pretty nice ^__^

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

WHU: Similar, though I have feeling that WHU looks closer to GPA/GMAT/internships and how employable you are for ranking metrics. I am surprised that there are quite a few Chinese and Indian students at Master's who tend to have good stats. I has impressive exchange partners. The German students were polished and articulate, yet approachable. Another thing I noticed that many WHU students have studied or worked abroad, hence bring plenty international experience.

HHL students are very friendly and grounded too. They volunteered to show us around and do FAQ on Open Day. I appreciate the factual business like approach and it was not rah rah.

Can't say about EBS. Sorry.

I just realised that we apply to very similar (not 100% identical) target schools in France, Germany and Sweden, what a coincidence.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Yep hold an undergraduate degree in Marketing.

How about WHU? Anything you know about the admission?

Well I have been to Leipzig before though I find the accent there easier to understand than the one I heard in Heidelberg :D In addition, I probably like Stockholm more than Milan/Paris. Where are you studying?

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

WHU: Similar, though I have feeling that WHU looks closer to GPA/GMAT/internships and how employable you are for ranking metrics. I am surprised that there are quite a few Chinese and Indian students at Master's who tend to have good stats. I has impressive exchange partners. The German students were polished and articulate, yet approachable. Another thing I noticed that many WHU students have studied or worked abroad, hence bring plenty international experience.

HHL students are very friendly and grounded too. They volunteered to show us around and do FAQ on Open Day. I appreciate the factual business like approach and it was not rah rah.

Can't say about EBS. Sorry.

I just realised that we apply to very similar (not 100% identical) target schools in France, Germany and Sweden, what a coincidence.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Maybe you guys should start dating then after moving to whichever university you decide to go :D

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

What, you looking for a job as Cupid? Oh mate, don't give up your day job whatever it is.

Maybe you guys should start dating then after moving to whichever university you decide to go :D

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Thanks, so you have attended a campus tour already?

Oh, well since it's already a bit unorthodox for chinese to study business in another european country other than the UK ( probably France as well), there can be fewer choices left. Maybe you apply to SSE too? please email me at zzen505@gmail.com

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

WHU: Similar, though I have feeling that WHU looks closer to GPA/GMAT/internships and how employable you are for ranking metrics. I am surprised that there are quite a few Chinese and Indian students at Master's who tend to have good stats. I has impressive exchange partners. The German students were polished and articulate, yet approachable. Another thing I noticed that many WHU students have studied or worked abroad, hence bring plenty international experience.

HHL students are very friendly and grounded too. They volunteered to show us around and do FAQ on Open Day. I appreciate the factual business like approach and it was not rah rah.

Can't say about EBS. Sorry.

I just realised that we apply to very similar (not 100% identical) target schools in France, Germany and Sweden, what a coincidence.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 21.12.2017:

Well I have been to Leipzig before though I find the accent there easier to understand than the one I heard in Heidelberg :D In addition, I probably like Stockholm more than Milan/Paris. Where are you studying?

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

WHU and Mannheim are by far the best business schools in Germany.

WHU has a clear advantage over Mannheim in terms of career perspectives in Consulting and Investmentbanking. Mannheim has an advantage in terms of academical work.

Mannheim has a good Bachelor, but their Master lacks in quality of students. Therefore, I'd choose WHU (which is also more international), since it's Master is also quite well ranked (always rank 3-8 in Financial Times globally)

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Consulting: WHU > FS > HHL = EBS
Banking: FS > WHU > EBS > HHL

Go for WHU or Frankfurt School !

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

WiWi Gast schrieb am 23.12.2017:

WHU and Mannheim are by far the best business schools in Germany.

WHU has a clear advantage over Mannheim in terms of career perspectives in Consulting and Investmentbanking. Mannheim has an advantage in terms of academical work.

Mannheim has a good Bachelor, but their Master lacks in quality of students. Therefore, I'd choose WHU (which is also more international), since it's Master is also quite well ranked (always rank 3-8 in Financial Times globally)

Nope, the Mannheim master is far superior in terms of student quality, academic approach, career perspectives in consulting and banking as well as in terms of internationality.

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

We need real advise her, no marketing texts from Mannheim's website.

Academics: Mannheim > WHU
Career (especially banking and consulting): WHU > Mannheim
Internationality: WHU > Mannheim
City: mannheim > WHU

WiWi Gast schrieb am 23.12.2017:

WiWi Gast schrieb am 23.12.2017:

Nope, the Mannheim master is far superior in terms of student quality, academic approach, career perspectives in consulting and banking as well as in terms of internationality.

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Agreed. I'd still consider Mannheim though simply because of the tuition fees you'd save.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 23.12.2017:

We need real advise her, no marketing texts from Mannheim's website.

Academics: Mannheim > WHU
Career (especially banking and consulting): WHU > Mannheim
Internationality: WHU > Mannheim
City: mannheim > WHU

WiWi Gast schrieb am 23.12.2017:

Nope, the Mannheim master is far superior in terms of student quality, academic approach, career perspectives in consulting and banking as well as in terms of internationality.

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

WiWi Gast schrieb am 23.12.2017:

We need real advise her, no marketing texts from Mannheim's website.

Academics: Mannheim > WHU
Career (especially banking and consulting): WHU > Mannheim
Internationality: WHU > Mannheim
City: mannheim > WHU

+1. What about students?

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

From my experience:

  • Consulting: WHU = Mannheim
  • Banking: Mannheim > WHU
  • City: Mannheim > WHU
  • People: Mannheim > WHU (Unfortunately, WHU does have quite a few rich kiddies who think they are the next Gordon Gecko)
WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

WiWi Gast schrieb am 23.12.2017:

Consulting: WHU > FS > HHL = EBS
Banking: FS > WHU > EBS > HHL

Go for WHU or Frankfurt School !


WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

FS is still way behind WHU and Mannheim in Banking (especially in London Placement).

WiWi Gast schrieb am 24.12.2017:

WiWi Gast schrieb am 23.12.2017:


WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Since last Year FS IB Placement in London is more than outstanding. Especially Mannheim cannot mess with it.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 25.12.2017:

FS is still way behind WHU and Mannheim in Banking (especially in London Placement).

WiWi Gast schrieb am 24.12.2017:


WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

:D Made my day!

Mannheim is far superior over FS.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 25.12.2017:

Since last Year FS IB Placement in London is more than outstanding. Especially Mannheim cannot mess with it.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 25.12.2017:


WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Mannheim is actually placing better in investment banking across Germany than WHU. There is a significantly higher number of Mannheim bankers than WHU bankers.
Disclaimer: I work for one of the top consulting firms. For consulting, nobody gives you an extra credit for being an WHU student. Mannheim and WHU are even competitors in this space, but Mannheim gets you a higher recognition. In fact, many consultants (mostly STEM) are critical about business students in general and especially those that come from private schools! Those allegedly WHU advantages are solely propagated by WHU students that think they attend an elitist feeder school, but in fact are just paying for an education they could have gotten elsewhere for free.

The master's in Mannheim has the same standards as the WHU one. Academically it is more challenging though (based on what I've seen). WHU courses mostly feature case studies and substantial amount of group assignments, whereas the Mannheim master's contain substantial quantitative courses as well (also dependent on the combination of subjects you go for). The quality of student body in the WHU master is not high, definitely not the same quality their bachelor holds. You will mostly see local students that were reluctant to reach out for a master's degree abroad, WHU students that wouldn't get admitted in competitive programs elsewhere and non-target students that want to add kind of a brand to their CVs. Moreover, you will also see lots of Indian and Chinese students that come from unknown regional universities and couldn't get admitted elsewhere.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 23.12.2017:

WHU and Mannheim are by far the best business schools in Germany.

WHU has a clear advantage over Mannheim in terms of career perspectives in Consulting and Investmentbanking. Mannheim has an advantage in terms of academical work.

Mannheim has a good Bachelor, but their Master lacks in quality of students. Therefore, I'd choose WHU (which is also more international), since it's Master is also quite well ranked (always rank 3-8 in Financial Times globally)

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Mannheim = HSG > WHU >>> EBS = FS for IB

WiWi Gast schrieb am 25.12.2017:

Since last Year FS IB Placement in London is more than outstanding. Especially Mannheim cannot mess with it.

WiWi Gast schrieb am 25.12.2017:


WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Man sieht du scheinst wenig Ahnung von der aktuellen Realität zu haben...

Für FFM ist die FS (Goethe wenn staatlich) derzeit die beste deutsche Uni, die man sich antun kann.

XDDD Mannheim/WHU vor FS dieses Jahr, ganz großes Kino hier ohne ein Dinner/Case mitgemacht zu haben...
Wisst ihr eig was ihr so von euch gebt? Habt ihr euch an den Recruiting Veranstaltungen eig ernsthaft mal umgesehen?

WiWi Gast schrieb am 25.12.2017:

Mannheim = HSG > WHU >>> EBS = FS for IB

WiWi Gast schrieb am 25.12.2017:


WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

I work for a T1 Consultancy since 2,5 years and did several consulting internships before. From my experience ,WHU is indeed the best place to go if you aim for a consulting career. It's quite a small school but the number of WHU guys we hire every year is impressively high.

Mannheim is good as well, but can't reach the placement success of WHU in my opinion (especially when you don't compare absolute numbers since Mannheim has far bigger classes).

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Mannheim > WHU > HHL > EBS

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

There is no superior "placement success" for WHU students. It's just a misconception that is constructed by WHU promoters. No consulting firm selects WHU in favor of Mannheim or St. Gallen. The only difference you will see is the number of students applying for consulting and hype around consulting, which is quite high at WHU.

Their student body consists of about 80-90% consulting interested students that apply for consulting at one point in their B.Sc. or M.Sc. When you're attending WHU, there are basically just three options 99% of the students aim for - those paths are also heavily promoted by the career center since it improves stats for university rankings like FT (i.e. higher average salary after 3 years). Those paths are 1) Consulting 2) Investment Banking 3) Startups/VC/Accelerator. Schools like Mannheim and St. Gallen do not promote those paths as heavily. Many students are also looking for entry positions in marketing (Mannheim is leading in this field), tax or controlling (HSG has a strong chair) and target DAX30, FMCG etc. There is also a substantial amount of students that aim for banking or consulting, but less than WHU.

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Für IB machst du weder mit FS noch mit WHU noch mit Mannheim noch mit Goethe etwas falsch. Rein zahlenmäßig placed die FS in EBs am Meisten, BBs sind die vier recht ausgeglichen. Von der Fächerwahl ist sowohl Mannheim als auch WHU beiden Frankfurter Adressen deutlich unterlegen.

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Selber seit knapp 1,5 Jahren bei MBB.
Wenn Consulting dann WHU > HHL > EBS > FS;
EBS hat keinen guten Ruf mehr, FS ist im Consulting auch eher wie eine Premium-FH angesehen; WHU hat sicher das größte Alumni Netzwerk im UB-Bereich, HHL ist da deutlich kleiner aber placed trotzdem extrem gut, habe erstaunlich viele Kollegen von dort trotz der sehr kleinen Jahrgänge

Im Banking sieht das wieder anders aus, da kenne ich mich nicht wirklich aus

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

WiWi Gast schrieb am 08.02.2020:

Selber seit knapp 1,5 Jahren bei MBB.
Wenn Consulting dann WHU > HHL > EBS > FS;
EBS hat keinen guten Ruf mehr, FS ist im Consulting auch eher wie eine Premium-FH angesehen; WHU hat sicher das größte Alumni Netzwerk im UB-Bereich, HHL ist da deutlich kleiner aber placed trotzdem extrem gut, habe erstaunlich viele Kollegen von dort trotz der sehr kleinen Jahrgänge

Im Banking sieht das wieder anders aus, da kenne ich mich nicht wirklich aus

+1 - kann ich so bestätigen. Die großen drei im DACH raum (Mannheim, HSG, WHU) haben im Consulting die Nase vorne. Das hilft denen (grade WHU und mit Abstrichen HSG sind da stark) leider nicht nur beim Einstieg sonder auch beim internen Netzwerken und Aufstieg

WiWi Gast

Re: WHU vs HHL vs EBS

Ähm, von Mannheim war nicht die Rede, sondern von HHL.

+1 - kann ich so bestätigen. Die großen drei im DACH raum (Mannheim, HSG, WHU) haben im Consulting die Nase vorne. Das hilft denen (grade WHU und mit Abstrichen HSG sind da stark) leider nicht nur beim Einstieg sonder auch beim internen Netzwerken und Aufstieg


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